Important notice


Today’s email is a not your usual but nonetheless important

Lately we have been pushing out emails daily but we have been rethinking our approach.

Our New Plan

We've been thinking about turning this into a weekly newsletter. In the newsletter, we'll cover all the important news that happened throughout the week. We'll provide a detailed breakdown of what's really going on, and we'll make sure to report both sides of the story.

Why are we suggesting this

We are on a mission to bring you unbiased news by presenting both sides of the story. However, we have realized that finding both perspectives within a couple of hours can be extremely challenging, especially for stories that are still developing.

To ensure that we deliver on our promise to the best of our ability, we have decided to test a new approach. Over the next few weeks, we will be sending out a weekly newsletter every Monday, and will be asking for your feedback along the way.

Here is our poll, we would love to know what you think about the idea so far

This is effective immediately, so you’ll hear from us next Monday

Warmest Regards
TwoSides Team

(p.s if you have any questions, any at all, don’t hesitate to contact us. We love hearing from our readers)

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we really do!!

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